My animated short film "Palito & Varita" keeps making me happy. This time, the news come from Brazil. More than 3,000 animated short films are taking part in this festival edition (16th International Animation Festival of Brazil Anima Mundi 2008 -Anima Mundi Web-), and the only short film from Argentina has been selected as a finalist. Yes, it is "Palito & Varita". =D
There are 20 finalists, and now any people can take part in the choosing of the winner.
To help Palito and Varita win, please visite this site:
Once there, click on the word in bold (VOTE). You can watch this short film along with the others finalists, too. You will be asked to register on the site (e-mail and password). You can vote until July 26th the number of times you want. =D
For reading more about this fesitival: